CCLI Bylaws

CCLI – California Conference on Library Instruction Bylaws
Recommended and approved by Steering Committee on Oct. 30, 1992;
amended June 10, 1998, May 9, 2011, and August 2019.

Article I. Name
The official name of this organization shall be the California Conference on Library Instruction (CCLI).

Article II. Purpose
Section 1. To improve the quality of library instruction in Northern California by sharing expertise, resources, and ideas.
Section 2. To provide professional development opportunities for those engaged or interested in library instruction, information literacy, and related topics.

Article III. Steering Committee
Section 1. There are no dues for participating in the Steering Committee.
Section 2. An announcement to join the Steering Committee is made at the annual conference. Any person residing in Northern California who is interested in the purposes of the organization may respond to said solicitation to express their interest. Those who formally express interest will be reviewed and Steering Committee positions may be offered.
Section 3. Membership in the Steering Committee is open to any member of the community who applies to participate in Steering Committee meetings and planning activities and is accepted.
Section 4. A rotating Minutes Taker shall prepare, send, and post minutes of Steering Committee meetings, as required.

Article IV. Officers
Section 1. This organization shall be governed by a Steering Committee.
Section 2. Steering Committee officers shall be Chair, Vice Chair/Chair-Elect, and Treasurer.
Section 3. Duties of the Officers:
a. The Chair shall prepare the agenda for and conduct Steering Committee meetings and any other activities to meet the needs and interests of the members, and act as liaison between subcommittees, the organization, and other organizations. The Chair shall appoint additional positions, as needed.
b. The Vice Chair/Chair-Elect shall serve as a member of subcommittees, and shall serve in the place of the Chair, as required or requested by the Chair, and shall perform other duties as requested by the Chair.
c. The Immediate Past Chair shall serve as an advisor and mentor to the Chair.
d. The Treasurer shall pay expenditures approved by the Officers and Steering Committee, keep accounts of all funds received or expended by the organization, report on all income and expenditures at each Steering Committee meeting, and shall perform other duties as requested by the Chair.

Article V. Elections & Terms of Office
Section 1. Officers shall be appointed by the Steering Committee members ahead of the spring conference. The Chair-Elect becomes Chair at the conclusion of the spring conference and leads the first meeting following the conference The Immediate Past Chair is expected to serve on the Steering Committee for one-year following their service as Chair, in order to serve as an advisor and mentor to the current Chair, but may continue to serve past that time.
Section 2. The Vice Chair/Chair-Elect shall serve a one-year term as Chair-Elect and the subsequent year as Chair.
Section 3. The Treasurer shall serve at minimum a one-year term, but may continue if the Treasurer and Steering Committee agree.

Article VI. Steering Committee Meetings
Section 1. The Steering Committee shall meet approximately monthly during the year.
Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the Steering Committee or the Chair at any time.
Section 3. Officers and Chairs of subcommittees and ad hoc committees must attend the Steering Committee meetings.
Section 4. All Steering Committee members are expected to attend monthly meetings or give prior notice when absent.

Article VII. Subcommittees
Section 1. Subcommittees shall be created or modified by the Steering Committee as needed, to plan the annual conference. The Chair shall appoint Chairs of these subcommittees, balancing committee member preference and Subcommittee needs.
Section 2. Ad hoc committees may also be created by the Steering Committee. The Chair shall appoint Chairs of ad hoc committees.

Article VIII. Expenditures
Section 1. The Steering Committee or Chair shall pre-approve all expenditures. Receipts for approved expenditures shall be submitted to the Treasurer for reimbursement.
Section 2. The Treasurer shall report on the budget bi-annually.

Article IX. Outreach & Communication
Section 1. The organization shall communicate information regarding its activities in a timely manner and an appropriate format.
Section 2. All communication produced by the organization shall fulfill the purpose stated in Article II, Sections 1 & 2 of these bylaws.

Article X. Amendments to Bylaws
Section 1. A notice regarding changes to the bylaws shall be sent out to the Steering Committee a month prior to the vote.
Section 2. The vote shall occur at a regular meeting of the Steering Committee.
Section 3. These bylaws may be amended by the affirmative vote of a simple majority of the Steering Committee members present and voting.